Save our Canadian Tech CEOs

The Coalition of Concerned Tech Community Members is organizing this fundraiser

Now, more than ever, Canada's tech CEOs are in danger.

Each and every day, they invest in Canada.

Chaque jour, chaque semaine, ils investissent au Canada.

However, due to a proposed modification to the Capital Gains Inclusion Rate, the Canadian government is threatening to tax them at a rate closer to what regular Canadians pay. This sends a bleak signal to the CEOs who tirelessly work every day to create jobs for all of us: the government is implying that their work is nearly as valuable as that of everyday Canadians. Beyond that, it deeply affects their morale.

But we have the power to change this. Together we can show Canada's vulnerable CEOs that they matter. They matter more.

Our objective in this fundraising campaign is to raise a minimum of $19 billion, the same amount that the Canadian government asserts will be recuperated by their recent tax proposal. Once we reach our targeted fundraising goal, we will put 100% of this money back into the place where it most rightfully belongs: directly into the pockets of Canada's CEOs.

This money will do more than simply subsidize the hard work our CEOs do every day. It will put a smile on their faces in otherwise dark times.

Please donate what you can.


Words of Support

Please donate to share words of support

Adela Boyle
Thank you for organizing this fundraiser. I am proud to support Canada's tech CEOs.
Leopoldo Kutch
My mother is a VC and my father is an investment banker. This issue affects more than just CEOs. It affects our community. We all have to do our part to help.
This year, it's been hard to make ends meet with the rising cost of groceries and housing. But when I heard about this campaign, I told my family that we had to step up. What's happening to CEOs is atrocious and I'm happy to cut back on food if this is what it takes to make things right.
$5,700 raised of $19,000,000,000 goal

Adela Boyle donated $9

Jim Baldushi donated $100

Dolly Hegmann donated $80

Aubree Bartoletti donated $4